The Surrogate, medical fiction by Donald Marks

"The Surrogate"

When the promise of in vitro fertilization goes terribly wrong

(Dangerous Doctors Series of medical fiction)" by Dimitri Markov.

Intense Medical Fiction about a fragile nurse who survived teen sexual assault, only to be trapped in a fertility scam, written from view only a doctor could write, by Dimitri Markov, at Amazon and Kindle

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 click here to start reading for free

     "If we assume for the moment that your tubes aren’t open and can’t transport the eggs, your ova, from your ovary to your uterus, then just that may explain your
difficulty becoming pregnant. That severely limits your options, and I’m afraid that IVF may probably be the only practical way for you to achieve a pregnancy.”
In actuality, she suspected that what Baatard was trying to do was justify the IVF procedures, the technology, the injections, and all the expense. She wondered if she was really deceiving Baatard, if Baatard was mistaken or just fooling himself, or even trying to
fool her. She didn't care. Marina was using Baatard, using him just as much as she probably could easily have used Charlie to become pregnant. The details, the means, didn't concern her, just the end. Besides, she thought with a certain regret, both Baatard and Charlie used her, each for their own purpose. Baatard wanted her money, and
Charlie, well, it was obvious what Charlie wanted, and what he didn't. And she didn't want to be used or even to feel she was being used. Her distrust of men, born sixteen
years ago, remained as strong as ever. She suspected that was really why she avoided sleeping with Charlie, or with anyone else."

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