Showing posts with the label social justiceShow all
Reducing The Influence of Politics in Healthcare. My take as a practicing physician, by DH Marks
"The End of Reality," by Johathan Taplin. Book review on wide scale deception and greed by the super wealthy 4 horseman, by Donald H Marks
Should ALL Medical Doctors Be Required to Accept Medicare and Medicaid $$$ as a Condition of Licensure? Can the Gods be humble and care for their lowly helpless subjects? My take as a practicing physician. Donald H Marks
How Woke can we be? The meaning of Woke, by the definitely not woke Donald H Marks
Thoughts on responsibilities of young American citizens - my reflections on remarks made by the great JFK at Amherst College in 1963. by Donald H Marks
Einstein, Relativity and Relative Ethics. What does it all mean? My take in a "whatever" world, by Donald H Marks
Jonas Salk, Polio Vaccine and Vaccinating Against Hate. The healthcare discovery that saved the lives of millions of children. Remembrance of my afternoon in Paris with vaccine titan Jonas Salk. by Donald H Marks