Does gravity originate in space-time irregularity?
Donald H Marks, Physician, Scientist
Following are some of my thoughts on the matter of gravity and space-time, which I first published on 18 April 2016 in Physics Stack. According to current theory, small pieces of randomly moving matter in space attract each other with their individual minuscule gravitational fields and thereby eventually form increasing larger amounts of matter, eventually leading to stars and planets. The high concentrations of matter warp nearby space-time and create a gravity effect.
The Einstein field equations EFE describe the fundamental interaction of gravitation as a result of spacetime being curved by matter and energy. A re-interpretation of the EFE could lead to the following alternative explanation of how matter collects to form planets and stars, and how spacetime is warped by matter. Rather than matter first collecting, and then distorting space-time and thereby creating gravity effect, I hypothesized 18 April 2016 (Physics Stack) that discontinuous areas of SpaceTime could result in concentrated areas of gravity which then attract collections of matter. In a way, this is a reversal of the classic chicken (matter) or the egg (gravity) argument. To my knowledge and searching the internet and the scientific literature, my 2016 proposal was the first time that this interpretation of gravity was proposed.
- My comment on the 2019 article: "What If Space-Time Were 'Chunky'? It Would Forever Change the Nature of Reality." Which appeared in by Paul M. Sutter PhD, astrophysicist at SUNY Stony Brook and the Flatiron Institute in New York City
- 10Feb2018 Check it
- Physics Stack 18Apr2016 Check it
- Einstein, relativity and relative ethics, by DH Marks Check it
- Are we really living in a simulation? by DH Marks
Comment from personal blog