Elitists, Neocons, Neolibs, Globalists, and Narcissists: What Are They, Who Are They, and Why Should We Care?
by Donald H. Marks
Physician Scientist, Reason, Ethics, Health Equity, 3rd Generation Veteran
Elitists, Neoconservatives, Neoliberals, and Globalists are all political ideologies that hold distinct beliefs and values. Understanding the differences is essential for starting a thoughtful discussion.
Elitists believe in the rule by an elite class of individuals who supposedly possess the knowledge and expertise to govern society. They tend to favor a small, powerful government controlled by a group of educated and wealthy individuals. Elitists see themselves as the only ones capable of making the necessary decisions to run society effectively.
We all may think we know what Elitism is, or that we can recognize who an elitist is. Elitism is the belief that a select group of people have an intrinsic special quality, high intellect, wealth, power, notability, special skills, or experience. These so-called elites are seen as more likely to be constructive to society as a whole and deserve influence or authority greater than that of others.
Elitism can describe a situation in which power is concentrated in the hands of a limited number of people—the elites. Beliefs in opposition to elitism include egalitarianism, anti-intellectualism, populism, and pluralism. Below is a growing list of specific elitists and groups perceived as elites:
Specific Elitists:
- William F. Buckley
- Michael Bloomberg
- James M. Buchanan
- Hillary and Bill Clinton
- John Edwards
- Milton Friedman
- Matt Gaetz, Congress
- Alan Greenspan
- Al Gore, former VP and failed presidential candidate
- Friedrich Hayek
- Michael Kinsley
- John Kerry, former Secretary of State
- Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of State (Listen to my podcast on the SuperK)
- Emmanuel Macron, French President
- Ayn Rand, failed philosopher
- Ronald Reagan
- Mitt Romney, Wealthy Mormon Governor, unsuccessful presidential candidate
- Margaret Thatcher
- Mark Zuckerberg, and executives at FB Meta, Google, Yahoo
- Celebrities and entrepreneurs Scott Baio, Peter Thiel, Stephen “The Other Brother” Baldwin
General Elitists:
- Any member of The Adam Smith Institute
- Corporate Elites, including Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg
- Oligarchs (Russian and Western)
- Academic Elites (e.g., universities, JAMA, NEJM, CDC, NIH)
- Most Members of Congress and 'The Supremes'
- All royalty, monarchs, and oligarchs
- Many members of organized religious upper levels, including Joel Olsteen
- A-list entertainers (e.g., Met Gala attendees)
Let me know if I missed someone you think should be added to the list or if you disagree.
Neocons (Neoconservatives)
Neoconservatives advocate for a strong national defense, interventionist foreign policy, and America exceptionalism. Neocons are often hawkish on foreign policy, supporting increased military spending and intervention in other countries. They favor promoting democracy and international intervention in conflicts like proxy wars, and they disdain communism and leftist radicalism.
Prominent Neocons include:
- Elliott Abrams, foreign policy expert
- Michael Bloomberg
- Paul Bremer, diplomat, including post in Iraq
- James M. Buchanan
- Robert O’Brien, Bolton’s disciple and successor as national security adviser
- Sen. Liz Cheney and Dick Cheney, former VP
- Eliot A. Cohen, John Hopkins SAIS professor
- Sen. Tom Cotton, a Bill Kristol protégé
- Paula Dobriansky, executive director of the McCain Institute
- Mark Dubowitz, CEO of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies
- Eric S. Edelman, Johns Hopkins SAIS
- John Kerry, former Secretary of State
- John McCain, former senator
- Dick Cheney, former Vice President
- Donald Rumsfeld, former Secretary of Defense
- Ronald Reagan, former president, proponent of trickle-down economics
- Margaret Thatcher, former Prime Minister of UK
- Paul Wolfowitz, former deputy Secretary of Defense
For a helpful reference, see the Diagram of NeoCons by Peter and Maria Hoey.
Neoliberals (Neolibs)
Neoliberals advocate for economic liberalization policies, including privatization, deregulation, free markets, austerity, and reductions in government spending. They emphasize minimal government interference in the economy and support for the private sector’s increased role in society. Neoliberalism seeks to strengthen market forces and reduce state involvement in economics.
Prominent Neoliberals include:
- Michael Bloomberg
- James M. Buchanan
- Bill Clinton
- Al Gore
- Alan Greenspan
- Friedrich Hayek, Austrian economist
- Milton Friedman
- Michael Kinsley
- Margaret Thatcher
- Ronald Reagan
Globalists are individuals or groups that believe in a global community and the need for international cooperation to achieve common goals. They support free trade, the movement of people and ideas, and global governance, sometimes to the detriment of their own countries. While they favor cooperation between nations, they tend to overlook the challenges posed by nation-specific concerns.
Narcissists share some similarities with elitists, particularly in their sense of superiority. Narcissism is a personality disorder characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a deep need for admiration, and a lack of empathy.
Narcissists are easily upset by criticism and often exploit others to achieve their goals. Unlike elitists, narcissists are more focused on their personal needs, while elitists prioritize the group they identify with.
In summary:
- Elitists believe in the rule of an elite class.
- Neocons support a strong national defense and interventionist foreign policies.
- Neoliberals favor minimal government intervention in the economy.
- Globalists advocate for international cooperation and global governance.
- Narcissists have an excessive sense of self-importance, often exploiting others for their own gain.
- The Met Gala Guest List Sparked A Huge Debate About “Elitism”
- Proudly Elitist and Undemocratic?
- Elite is now a meaningless insult
- The Neocons Strike Back
- Neocon Think-Tanks Are Driving Biden’s Ukraine Policy
- Is the Neoliberal Era Over Yet?
- How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them, by Jason Stanley.
For more writings by Donald H. Marks:
- How Woke Can We Be? The Meaning of Woke
- Is Criticism of Henry Kissinger Just Another Form of Historical Revisionism?
- Fake News: Everything You Need to Know
- Best Online Free Fact-Checking Tools
- Fact-Checking: The Ways We Can Fight Fake News
- Infodemic: The Epidemic of Information
- The Curious Case of Deepfakes
- My Personal List of Red Flags, Dog Whistles, Buzzwords, and Hot Button Words
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